Monthly Archives: October 2020

All About Me Collage

I just finished my All About Me Collage. The hardest part was figuring out how to get it so that when the Fox sprite heard the announcement it would move to a certain location. I originally had it so the broadcast was the only thing speaking but when I tried that the speech was not showing. But then a classmate told me then that I should just do the speech so I did but the I had ANOTHER problem. When I played that I realized that the Fox sprite wouldn’t move to the location so in the end, as you will see in the code that I have the broadcast first then the speech and it work perfectly fine! problem solved!

I had another problem. Yes, a third problem. It was that every time I tested the game, the Diamond was showing. See, I wanted it to seem like the Fox was collecting the diamonds and stashing them away. so the fact the the Diamond was in front of the fox was bad, even though it is a really easy problem to fix. So hear is a tip to fix this: when the Diamond is in front of the Fox, click on the Fox. The Diamond should disappear, meaning that the Diamond is behind the Fox. Easy right?

I feel like the Diamonds are too visible, so maybe I’ll change it later on. Anyway, I hope you like my All About Me Collage!